When a new life enters this world...
Everybody knows what to say!
But when the same life departs...
There's only silence left behind!
When you acquire a new attire...
You flatter yourself repeatedly!
But when the same garment wears out...
Its merely a useless old rag!
When you learn a new skill...
You get all geared up to experiment!
But when you realize that its becoming an old trick...
You immediately disown it!
When you make a new pal...
In the early stages, everything glitters!
But as time passes by...
The same excitement fades away!
People change, Circumstances change, Relationships change!
There may be moments when you feel like giving up, and yet...
You are compelled to move on...
There will also be moments when you are extremely confused,unable to decide, and yet...
You will end up exactly in the place you actually wanted to...
Cherish those moments that render you speechless...
'Coz those are the moments that made you actually ponder !!!
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